"Agile Scrum" — Update on 19 February 2018
19 February 2018

This is an overview and update on the award-winning book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, by Scott M. Graffius.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most methodologies fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to best meet their business needs and effectively manage projects.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Agile Scrum helps the reader:
- Implement and use the most popular agile framework—Scrum
- Deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement
- Support innovation and drive competitive advantage
This guide is for those interested or involved in innovation, project management, product development, software development or technology management.
- It's for those who have not yet used Scrum
- It's also for people already using Scrum, in roles such as Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Development Team members (business analysts, solution and system architects, designers, developers, testers, etc.), customers, end users, agile coaches, executives, managers, and other stakeholders
For those already using Scrum, the book can serve as a reference on practices for consideration and potential adaptation.
Reactions to the book have been incredibly positive. Honors to date include 16 first place awards in national and international competitions.
- First Place Winner, Business-General Category, 5th Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Technology Category, 5th Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Business Category, 2016 London Book Festival
- First Place Winner, Business Category, Fall 2016 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards
- First Place Winner, Informational (Business) Category, 2017 Feathered Quill Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Technology Category, 2016 New Apple Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Technology Category, 2017 Independent Press Award
- First Place Winner, Technology Category, 11th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards
- First Place Winner, Business Category, 2017 Pacific Rim Book Festival
- First Place Winner, Green/Conscious Business Category, 2017 Bookvana Awards
- First Place Winner, Technology Category, 2017 Book Excellence Awards
- First Place Winner, Business Reference Category, 14th Annual Best Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Technology Category, 2017 New York City Big Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Science & Technology Category, 2017 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Workplace Category, 2017 Human Relations Indie Book Awards
- First Place Winner, Business Category, 2018 Florida Book Festival
Additional awards—along with reviews and more—are listed in the digital media kit at AgileScrumGuide.com.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2018 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.