Typical Software Development Risks: Symptoms, Causes, Indicators, and Mitigations [From the Archives - First Published in 2012]
02 January 2016

This article was first published on 16 December 2012.

The risks for software development projects can vary. However, this article provides a view of the typical risks along with the respective symptoms, root causes, leading indicators, and mitigations for each.
Risk: Inaccurate effort and estimates and schedules
- Symptoms to watch for: Pattern of late deliverables; lack of awareness of schedule and status.
- Potential root cause: Schedules based on business ('top down') need rather than team-generated ('bottom up').
- Leading indicators: Earned value - schedule performance index (SPI).
- Mitigations: 'Bottom up' planning; monitor effort and schedule; engage earned value for monitoring, control as needed.
Risk: Unconstrained requirements growth
- Symptoms to watch for: Development staff cannot keep up with requirements changes.
- Potential root cause: Requirements change not well-managed.
- Leading indicators: Requirements change rate.
- Mitigations: Plan for change (employ a requirements/change control process); don't start development until there is a stable set of requirements.
Risk: Dysfunctional organization
- Symptoms to watch for: High project staff turnover; frequent staff reassignments; poor work environment; low productivity; staff lacks necessary skills and experience; and key role(s) are vacant.
- Potential root cause: Lack of motivating work environment; poor management of project prioritization; lack of experience with work needed on project.
- Leading indicators: Project staff turnover compared with historical trend; productivity; project team does not have an appropriate understanding of the requirements and project status.
- Mitigation: Monitor, manage, and control issues and risks; status reporting; external (peer) assessment of project plans.
Risk: Poor software quality
- Symptoms to watch for: High test defect counts; significant rework.
- Potential root cause: Focus on schedule rather than quality.
- Leading indicators: Test inspection yield; test defect density; defect discovery and closure rates/profiles.
- Mitigation: Create a development quality plan that focuses on inspection rather than (only) test; measure and track against quality plan; cultivate a focus on software quality.
Risk: Under-performance
- Symptoms to watch for: Low productivity.
- Potential root cause: Technical complexity; development environment changes; under-achievement.
- Leading indicators: Earned value - cost performance index (CPI).
- Mitigation: Engaged earned value, control as needed.
Manage risks and you'll greatly improve the probability of success.

How to Cite This Article
Graffius, Scott M. (2016, January 2). What Are Your Chances of Project Success? [From the Archives - First Published on 16 December 2012]. Available at: https://scottgraffius.com/blog/files/archive---software-development-risks-and-mitigations.html.

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